Pagina 5 di 6

Re: Inserire Ads in phpBB3

Inviato: 20/12/2011, 16:07
da Angolo
Verosimilmente, in luogo di

Codice: Seleziona tutto

 [b]CODICE [/b]
devi inserire appunto il codice del banner...

Re: Inserire Ads in phpBB3

Inviato: 20/12/2011, 16:10
da La_Tati
l'ho inserito non l'ho messo qui per accorciare il code :)

Re: Inserire Ads in phpBB3

Inviato: 21/12/2011, 17:06
da La_Tati
Niente da fare sul subsilver 2 va benissimo e vedo le pubblicità su l'etech questo è il viewbodytopic
mi sembra di aver inserito giusto svuotato cache via ftp e aggiornato tutto e non compare nulla

Codice: Seleziona tutto

<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->

	<div class="forumrules">
		<!-- IF U_FORUM_RULES -->
			<h3>{L_FORUM_RULES}</h3><br />
			<a href="{U_FORUM_RULES}"><b>{L_FORUM_RULES_LINK}</b></a>
		<!-- ELSE -->
			<h3>{L_FORUM_RULES}</h3><br />
		<!-- ENDIF -->

	<br clear="all" />
<!-- ENDIF -->

<div id="pageheader">
	<h2><a class="titles" href="{U_VIEW_TOPIC}">{TOPIC_TITLE}</a></h2>

	<p class="moderators"><!-- IF S_SINGLE_MODERATOR -->{L_MODERATOR}<!-- ELSE -->{L_MODERATORS}<!-- ENDIF -->: {MODERATORS}</p>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF U_MCP -->
	<p class="linkmcp">[ <a href="{U_MCP}">{L_MCP}</a> ]</p>
<!-- ENDIF -->

<br clear="all" /><br />

<div id="pagecontent">

	<table width="100%" cellspacing="1">
		<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
			<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">
				<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_REPLY_INFO --><a href="{U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}">{REPLY_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF TOTAL_POSTS -->
			<td class="nav" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;{PAGE_NUMBER}<br /></td>
			<td class="gensmall" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;[ {TOTAL_POSTS} ]&nbsp;</td>
			<td class="gensmall" width="100%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap"><!-- INCLUDE pagination.html --></td>
		<!-- ENDIF -->

			<table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
				<td class="nav" nowrap="nowrap">
				<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
					<!-- IF U_WATCH_TOPIC --><a href="{U_WATCH_TOPIC}" title="{L_WATCH_TOPIC}">{L_WATCH_TOPIC}</a><!-- IF U_PRINT_TOPIC or U_EMAIL_TOPIC or U_BUMP_TOPIC or U_BOOKMARK_TOPIC --> | <!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF U_PRINT_TOPIC --><a href="{U_PRINT_TOPIC}" title="{L_PRINT_TOPIC}">{L_PRINT_TOPIC}</a><!-- IF U_EMAIL_TOPIC or U_BUMP_TOPIC --> | <!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF U_EMAIL_TOPIC --><a href="{U_EMAIL_TOPIC}" title="{L_EMAIL_TOPIC}">{L_EMAIL_TOPIC}</a><!-- IF U_BUMP_TOPIC --> | <!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF U_BUMP_TOPIC --><a href="{U_BUMP_TOPIC}" title="{L_BUMP_TOPIC}">{L_BUMP_TOPIC}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- ENDIF -->
				<td class="nav" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="{U_VIEW_OLDER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_PREVIOUS_TOPIC}</a><!-- IF U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST and not S_IS_BOT --> | <a href="{U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}">{L_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}</a><!-- ENDIF --> | <a href="{U_VIEW_NEWER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_NEXT_TOPIC}</a>&nbsp;</td>
<!-- IF S_HAS_POLL -->
	<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="{$CA_SPACING}">
		<td class="row2" colspan="2" align="center"><br clear="all" />

			<form method="post" action="{S_POLL_ACTION}">

			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0" align="center" class="poll">
				<td align="center"><span class="gen"><b>{POLL_QUESTION}</b></span><br /><span class="gensmall">{L_POLL_LENGTH}</span></td>
				<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}">
					<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
				<!-- BEGIN poll_option -->
						<td><span class="gen">
							<!-- IF S_CAN_VOTE -->
								<!-- IF S_IS_MULTI_CHOICE -->
									<input type="checkbox" class="radio" name="vote_id[]" value="{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_ID}"<!-- IF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_VOTED --> checked="checked"<!-- ENDIF --> />
								<!-- ELSE -->
									<input type="radio" class="radio" name="vote_id[]" value="{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_ID}"<!-- IF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_VOTED --> checked="checked"<!-- ENDIF --> />
								<!-- ENDIF -->
							<!-- ENDIF -->
							<!-- IF S_CAN_VOTE --></label><!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_RESULTS -->
							<td dir="ltr">{POLL_LEFT_CAP_IMG}{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_IMG}{POLL_RIGHT_CAP_IMG}</td>
							<td class="gen" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}"><b>&nbsp;{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_PERCENT}&nbsp;</b></td>
							<td class="gen" align="center">[ {poll_option.POLL_OPTION_RESULT} ]</td>
							<!-- IF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_VOTED -->
								<td class="gensmall" valign="top"><b title="{L_POLL_VOTED_OPTION}">x</b></td>
							<!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- END poll_option -->
		<!-- IF S_CAN_VOTE -->
				<td align="center"><span class="gensmall">{L_MAX_VOTES}</span><br /><br /><input type="submit" name="update" value="{L_SUBMIT_VOTE}" class="btnlite" /></td>
		<!-- ENDIF -->
				<td class="gensmall" colspan="4" align="center"><b>{L_TOTAL_VOTES} : {TOTAL_VOTES}</b></td>
		<!-- ELSE -->
				<td align="center"><span class="gensmall"><b><a href="{U_VIEW_RESULTS}">{L_VIEW_RESULTS}</a></b></span></td>
		<!-- ENDIF -->
	<br />
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- BEGIN postrow -->
	<!-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_ROW or $CA_SPLIT_POSTS -->
	<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="{$CA_SPACING}">
        <!-- IF not $CA_SPLIT_POSTS -->
            <th width="100%">{L_MESSAGE}</th>
        <!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- IF postrow.S_ROW_COUNT is even --><tr class="row1"><!-- ELSE --><tr class="row2"><!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF postrow.S_IGNORE_POST -->
			<td class="gensmall row" colspan="2" height="25" align="center"><!-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_UNREAD --><a name="unread"></a><!-- ENDIF --><a name="p{postrow.POST_ID}"></a>{postrow.L_IGNORE_POST}</td>
	<!-- ELSE -->

			<td align="center" valign="top" class="row">
				<!-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_UNREAD --><a name="unread"></a><!-- ENDIF --><a name="p{postrow.POST_ID}"></a>
				<div class="postauthor"<!-- IF postrow.POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR --> style="color: {postrow.POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR}"<!-- ENDIF -->>{postrow.POST_AUTHOR}</div>
				<!-- IF postrow.ONLINE_IMG && postrow.S_ONLINE --><div class="postonline">{postrow.ONLINE_IMG}</div><!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE --><div class="posterrank">{postrow.RANK_TITLE}</div><!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF postrow.RANK_IMG --><div class="postrankimg">{postrow.RANK_IMG}</div><!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_AVATAR --><div class="postavatar">{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}</div><!-- ENDIF -->

				<div class="postdetails">
					<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_JOINED --><br /><b>{L_JOINED}:</b> {postrow.POSTER_JOINED}<!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_POSTS != '' --><br /><b>{L_POSTS}:</b> {postrow.POSTER_POSTS}<!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_FROM --><br /><b>{L_LOCATION}:</b> {postrow.POSTER_FROM}<!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- IF postrow.S_PROFILE_FIELD1 -->
						<!-- Use a construct like this to include admin defined profile fields. Replace FIELD1 with the name of your field. -->
						<br /><b>{postrow.PROFILE_FIELD1_NAME}:</b> {postrow.PROFILE_FIELD1_VALUE}
					<!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- BEGIN custom_fields -->
						<br /><b>{postrow.custom_fields.PROFILE_FIELD_NAME}:</b> {postrow.custom_fields.PROFILE_FIELD_VALUE}
					<!-- END custom_fields -->
				<img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/spacer.gif" width="120" height="1" alt="" />
			<td width="100%" height="25" class="row" valign="top">
				<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><div style="float: {S_CONTENT_FLOW_END};"><!-- IF postrow.U_EDIT --><a href="{postrow.U_EDIT}">{EDIT_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF postrow.U_QUOTE --><a href="{postrow.U_QUOTE}">{QUOTE_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF --></div><!-- ENDIF -->
				<div class="postsubject"><!-- IF S_IS_BOT -->{postrow.MINI_POST_IMG}<!-- ELSE --><a href="{postrow.U_MINI_POST}"><!-- IF postrow.POST_ICON_IMG --><img src="{T_ICONS_PATH}{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG}" width="{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG_WIDTH}" height="{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG_HEIGHT}" alt="" /><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.MINI_POST_IMG}<!-- ENDIF --></a><!-- ENDIF -->&nbsp;<a href="#p{postrow.POST_ID}">{postrow.POST_SUBJECT}</a></div>

					<!-- IF postrow.S_POST_UNAPPROVED or postrow.S_POST_REPORTED -->
						<div class="gensmall"><!-- IF postrow.S_POST_UNAPPROVED --><span class="postapprove">{UNAPPROVED_IMG} <a href="{postrow.U_MCP_APPROVE}">{L_POST_UNAPPROVED}</a></span><br /> <!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF postrow.S_POST_REPORTED --><span class="postreported">{REPORTED_IMG} <a href="{postrow.U_MCP_REPORT}">{L_POST_REPORTED}</a></span><!-- ENDIF --></div>
					<!-- ENDIF -->

						<div class="postbody">{postrow.MESSAGE}</div>

					<!-- IF postrow.S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS -->
						<br clear="all" /><br />

						<div class="attachwrapper"><div class="attachtitle">{L_ATTACHMENTS}:</div>
						<!-- BEGIN attachment -->
						<div class="attachcontent">{postrow.attachment.DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT}</div>
						<!-- END attachment -->
					<!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- IF postrow.S_DISPLAY_NOTICE -->
						<span class="gensmall error"><br /><br />{L_DOWNLOAD_NOTICE}</span>
					<!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.SIGNATURE -->
						<div class="postbody signature"><br /><span class="line">_________________</span><br />{postrow.SIGNATURE}</div>
					<!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- IF postrow.EDITED_MESSAGE or postrow.EDIT_REASON -->
						<!-- IF postrow.EDIT_REASON -->
							<br /><br />
							<div class="edited">
								<p class="gensmall">{postrow.EDITED_MESSAGE}</p>
								<p class="genmed">{postrow.EDIT_REASON}</p>
						<!-- ELSE -->
							<br /><br />
							<div class="edited">
    							<p class="gensmall">{postrow.EDITED_MESSAGE}</p>
						<!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- IF postrow.BUMPED_MESSAGE -->
						<span class="gensmall"><br /><br />{postrow.BUMPED_MESSAGE}</span>
					<!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- IF not postrow.S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS --><br clear="all" /><br /><!-- ENDIF -->

		<!-- IF postrow.S_ROW_COUNT is even --><tr class="row1"><!-- ELSE --><tr class="row2"><!-- ENDIF -->

			<td class="postbottom" align="center">{postrow.POST_DATE}</td>
			<td class="postbottom postbuttons" valign="middle">
				<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
					<div style="float: {S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}">
					<!-- IF postrow.U_REPORT --><a href="{postrow.U_REPORT}">{REPORT_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
					<!-- IF postrow.U_INFO --><a href="{postrow.U_INFO}">{INFO_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
					<!-- IF postrow.U_WARN --><a href="{postrow.U_WARN}">{WARN_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
					<!-- IF postrow.U_DELETE --><a href="{postrow.U_DELETE}">{DELETE_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR --><a href="{postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR}">{PROFILE_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF postrow.U_PM --><a href="{postrow.U_PM}">{PM_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
				<!-- IF postrow.U_EMAIL --><a href="{postrow.U_EMAIL}">{EMAIL_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
                <!-- IF postrow.U_MSN --><a href="{postrow.U_MSN}">{MSN_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
                <!-- IF postrow.U_ICQ --><a href="{postrow.U_ICQ}">{ICQ_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
                <!-- IF postrow.U_YIM --><a href="{postrow.U_YIM}">{YIM_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
                <!-- IF postrow.U_AIM --><a href="{postrow.U_AIM}">{AIM_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
                <!-- IF postrow.U_JABBER --><a href="{postrow.U_JABBER}">{JABBER_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
				<!-- IF postrow.U_WWW --><a href="{postrow.U_WWW}">{WWW_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF -->
    	<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- IF $CA_SPLIT_POSTS and not postrow.S_LAST_ROW -->
	<br />
	<!-- ELSEIF not $CA_SKIP_LAST_SPACER or not postrow.S_LAST_ROW -->
		<td class="spacer" colspan="2" height="1"><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1" /></td>
	<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- BEGINELSE -->
	<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="{$CA_SPACING}">

<!-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_ROW -->
<div class="post bg2">
<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
<div class="postbody">
<p class="author"><strong>Link Sponsorizzati</strong></p>
<div class="content" style="text-align: center;">
[inserire codice adsense]
<dl class="postprofile" id="profile0000">
<strong>Link Sponsorizzati</strong>
<br /><br /><br />
<div class="content" style="text-align: center;">
[inserire codice adsense]
<div class="back2top"><a href="#wrap" mce_href="#wrap" class="top" title="{L_BACK_TO_TOP}">{L_BACK_TO_TOP}</a></div>
<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
<hr class="divider" />
<!-- ENDIF -->
    <!-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_ROW -->
       <div class="post bg2">
          <div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>

          <div class="postbody">
             <p class="author"><strong>Ads</strong></p>

             <div class="content" style="text-align: center;">
                <script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-5571512543505508";
/* Banner 1 */
google_ad_slot = "9124723210";
google_ad_width = 336;
google_ad_height = 280;
<script type="text/javascript"
          <dl class="postprofile" id="profile0000">

          <div class="back2top"><a href="#wrap" class="top" title="{L_BACK_TO_TOP}">{L_BACK_TO_TOP}</a></div>
          <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
       <hr class="divider" />
       <!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- END postrow -->
    <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
		<td class="cat" colspan="2" align="center"><form name="viewtopic" method="post" action="{S_TOPIC_ACTION}"><span class="gensmall">{L_DISPLAY_POSTS}:</span> {S_SELECT_SORT_DAYS}&nbsp;<span class="gensmall">{L_SORT_BY}</span> {S_SELECT_SORT_KEY} {S_SELECT_SORT_DIR}&nbsp;<input class="btnlite" type="submit" value="{L_GO}" name="sort" /></form></td>
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<table width="100%" cellspacing="1">
		<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
			<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">
				<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_REPLY_INFO --><a href="{U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}">{REPLY_IMG}</a>&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF S_QUICK_REPLY --><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="var qr = document.getElementById('ca-qr'); = ( == 'none') ? '' : 'none'; return false;"><img src="{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/quick_reply.gif" /></a><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF TOTAL_POSTS -->
			<td class="nav" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;{PAGE_NUMBER}<br /></td>
			<td class="gensmall" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;[ {TOTAL_POSTS} ]&nbsp;</td>
			<td class="gensmall" width="100%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap"><!-- INCLUDE pagination.html --></td>
		<!-- ENDIF -->


<!-- INCLUDE quickreply_editor.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<div id="pagefooter"></div>

<!-- INCLUDE breadcrumbs.html -->

	<br clear="all" />

	<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="{$CA_SPACING}">
		<td class="cat"><h4>{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</h4></td>
		<td class="row1"><p class="gensmall">{LOGGED_IN_USER_LIST}</p></td>
<!-- ENDIF -->

<br clear="all" />

<table width="100%" cellspacing="1">
	<td width="40%" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}"><!-- IF S_TOPIC_MOD --><form method="post" action="{S_MOD_ACTION}"><span class="gensmall">{L_QUICK_MOD}:</span> {S_TOPIC_MOD} <input class="btnlite" type="submit" value="{L_GO}" /></form><!-- ENDIF --></td>
	<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="gensmall"><!-- BEGIN rules -->{rules.RULE}<br /><!-- END rules --></span></td>

<br clear="all" />

<table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
	<td><!-- IF S_DISPLAY_SEARCHBOX --><!-- INCLUDE searchbox.html --><!-- ENDIF --></td>
	<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}"><!-- INCLUDE jumpbox.html --></td>

<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->

Re: Inserire Ads in phpBB3

Inviato: 27/12/2011, 16:19
da La_Tati
Ho fatto diverse prove finisce sempre che mi inserisce il codice sopra il primo post. sono riuscita a centrarlo, ma mi piacerebbe che si inserisse dopo il primo post.
Il codice in prima pagina di questo tread non va non me lo fa proprio visualizzare. Ho inserito il codice adsense tramite un file txt sul template ed usando questo codice per centrarlo

Codice: Seleziona tutto

<div align="center">
<!-- INCLUDE adsense.txt -->
inserendolo subito dopo end postrow viene prima del primo post

Uploaded with

Codice: Seleziona tutto

<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->

	<div class="forumrules">
		<!-- IF U_FORUM_RULES -->
			<h3>{L_FORUM_RULES}</h3><br />
			<a href="{U_FORUM_RULES}"><b>{L_FORUM_RULES_LINK}</b></a>
		<!-- ELSE -->
			<h3>{L_FORUM_RULES}</h3><br />
		<!-- ENDIF -->

	<br clear="all" />
<!-- ENDIF -->

<div id="pageheader">
	<h2><a class="titles" href="{U_VIEW_TOPIC}">{TOPIC_TITLE}</a></h2>

	<p class="moderators"><!-- IF S_SINGLE_MODERATOR -->{L_MODERATOR}<!-- ELSE -->{L_MODERATORS}<!-- ENDIF -->: {MODERATORS}</p>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF U_MCP -->
	<p class="linkmcp">[ <a href="{U_MCP}">{L_MCP}</a> ]</p>
<!-- ENDIF -->

<br clear="all" /><br />

<div id="pagecontent">

	<table width="100%" cellspacing="1">
		<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
			<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">
				<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_REPLY_INFO --><a href="{U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}">{REPLY_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF TOTAL_POSTS -->
			<td class="nav" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;{PAGE_NUMBER}<br /></td>
			<td class="gensmall" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;[ {TOTAL_POSTS} ]&nbsp;</td>
			<td class="gensmall" width="100%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap"><!-- INCLUDE pagination.html --></td>
		<!-- ENDIF -->

			<table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
				<td class="nav" nowrap="nowrap">
				<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
					<!-- IF U_WATCH_TOPIC --><a href="{U_WATCH_TOPIC}" title="{L_WATCH_TOPIC}">{L_WATCH_TOPIC}</a><!-- IF U_PRINT_TOPIC or U_EMAIL_TOPIC or U_BUMP_TOPIC or U_BOOKMARK_TOPIC --> | <!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF U_PRINT_TOPIC --><a href="{U_PRINT_TOPIC}" title="{L_PRINT_TOPIC}">{L_PRINT_TOPIC}</a><!-- IF U_EMAIL_TOPIC or U_BUMP_TOPIC --> | <!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF U_EMAIL_TOPIC --><a href="{U_EMAIL_TOPIC}" title="{L_EMAIL_TOPIC}">{L_EMAIL_TOPIC}</a><!-- IF U_BUMP_TOPIC --> | <!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF U_BUMP_TOPIC --><a href="{U_BUMP_TOPIC}" title="{L_BUMP_TOPIC}">{L_BUMP_TOPIC}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- ENDIF -->
				<td class="nav" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="{U_VIEW_OLDER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_PREVIOUS_TOPIC}</a><!-- IF U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST and not S_IS_BOT --> | <a href="{U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}">{L_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}</a><!-- ENDIF --> | <a href="{U_VIEW_NEWER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_NEXT_TOPIC}</a>&nbsp;</td>
<!-- IF S_HAS_POLL -->
	<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="{$CA_SPACING}">
		<td class="row2" colspan="2" align="center"><br clear="all" />

			<form method="post" action="{S_POLL_ACTION}">

			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0" align="center" class="poll">
				<td align="center"><span class="gen"><b>{POLL_QUESTION}</b></span><br /><span class="gensmall">{L_POLL_LENGTH}</span></td>
				<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}">
					<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
				<!-- BEGIN poll_option -->
						<td><span class="gen">
							<!-- IF S_CAN_VOTE -->
								<!-- IF S_IS_MULTI_CHOICE -->
									<input type="checkbox" class="radio" name="vote_id[]" value="{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_ID}"<!-- IF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_VOTED --> checked="checked"<!-- ENDIF --> />
								<!-- ELSE -->
									<input type="radio" class="radio" name="vote_id[]" value="{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_ID}"<!-- IF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_VOTED --> checked="checked"<!-- ENDIF --> />
								<!-- ENDIF -->
							<!-- ENDIF -->
							<!-- IF S_CAN_VOTE --></label><!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_RESULTS -->
							<td dir="ltr">{POLL_LEFT_CAP_IMG}{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_IMG}{POLL_RIGHT_CAP_IMG}</td>
							<td class="gen" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}"><b>&nbsp;{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_PERCENT}&nbsp;</b></td>
							<td class="gen" align="center">[ {poll_option.POLL_OPTION_RESULT} ]</td>
							<!-- IF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_VOTED -->
								<td class="gensmall" valign="top"><b title="{L_POLL_VOTED_OPTION}">x</b></td>
							<!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- END poll_option -->
		<!-- IF S_CAN_VOTE -->
				<td align="center"><span class="gensmall">{L_MAX_VOTES}</span><br /><br /><input type="submit" name="update" value="{L_SUBMIT_VOTE}" class="btnlite" /></td>
		<!-- ENDIF -->
				<td class="gensmall" colspan="4" align="center"><b>{L_TOTAL_VOTES} : {TOTAL_VOTES}</b></td>
		<!-- ELSE -->
				<td align="center"><span class="gensmall"><b><a href="{U_VIEW_RESULTS}">{L_VIEW_RESULTS}</a></b></span></td>
		<!-- ENDIF -->
	<br />
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- BEGIN postrow -->
	<!-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_ROW or $CA_SPLIT_POSTS -->
	<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="{$CA_SPACING}">
        <!-- IF not $CA_SPLIT_POSTS -->
            <th width="100%">{L_MESSAGE}</th>
        <!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- IF postrow.S_ROW_COUNT is even --><tr class="row1"><!-- ELSE --><tr class="row2"><!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF postrow.S_IGNORE_POST -->
			<td class="gensmall row" colspan="2" height="25" align="center"><!-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_UNREAD --><a name="unread"></a><!-- ENDIF --><a name="p{postrow.POST_ID}"></a>{postrow.L_IGNORE_POST}</td>
	<!-- ELSE -->

			<td align="center" valign="top" class="row">
				<!-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_UNREAD --><a name="unread"></a><!-- ENDIF --><a name="p{postrow.POST_ID}"></a>
				<div class="postauthor"<!-- IF postrow.POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR --> style="color: {postrow.POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR}"<!-- ENDIF -->>{postrow.POST_AUTHOR}</div>
				<!-- IF postrow.ONLINE_IMG && postrow.S_ONLINE --><div class="postonline">{postrow.ONLINE_IMG}</div><!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE --><div class="posterrank">{postrow.RANK_TITLE}</div><!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF postrow.RANK_IMG --><div class="postrankimg">{postrow.RANK_IMG}</div><!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_AVATAR --><div class="postavatar">{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}</div><!-- ENDIF -->

				<div class="postdetails">
					<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_JOINED --><br /><b>{L_JOINED}:</b> {postrow.POSTER_JOINED}<!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_POSTS != '' --><br /><b>{L_POSTS}:</b> {postrow.POSTER_POSTS}<!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_FROM --><br /><b>{L_LOCATION}:</b> {postrow.POSTER_FROM}<!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- IF postrow.S_PROFILE_FIELD1 -->
						<!-- Use a construct like this to include admin defined profile fields. Replace FIELD1 with the name of your field. -->
						<br /><b>{postrow.PROFILE_FIELD1_NAME}:</b> {postrow.PROFILE_FIELD1_VALUE}
					<!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- BEGIN custom_fields -->
						<br /><b>{postrow.custom_fields.PROFILE_FIELD_NAME}:</b> {postrow.custom_fields.PROFILE_FIELD_VALUE}
					<!-- END custom_fields -->
				<img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/spacer.gif" width="120" height="1" alt="" />
			<td width="100%" height="25" class="row" valign="top">
				<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><div style="float: {S_CONTENT_FLOW_END};"><!-- IF postrow.U_EDIT --><a href="{postrow.U_EDIT}">{EDIT_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF postrow.U_QUOTE --><a href="{postrow.U_QUOTE}">{QUOTE_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF --></div><!-- ENDIF -->
				<div class="postsubject"><!-- IF S_IS_BOT -->{postrow.MINI_POST_IMG}<!-- ELSE --><a href="{postrow.U_MINI_POST}"><!-- IF postrow.POST_ICON_IMG --><img src="{T_ICONS_PATH}{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG}" width="{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG_WIDTH}" height="{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG_HEIGHT}" alt="" /><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.MINI_POST_IMG}<!-- ENDIF --></a><!-- ENDIF -->&nbsp;<a href="#p{postrow.POST_ID}">{postrow.POST_SUBJECT}</a></div>

					<!-- IF postrow.S_POST_UNAPPROVED or postrow.S_POST_REPORTED -->
						<div class="gensmall"><!-- IF postrow.S_POST_UNAPPROVED --><span class="postapprove">{UNAPPROVED_IMG} <a href="{postrow.U_MCP_APPROVE}">{L_POST_UNAPPROVED}</a></span><br /> <!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF postrow.S_POST_REPORTED --><span class="postreported">{REPORTED_IMG} <a href="{postrow.U_MCP_REPORT}">{L_POST_REPORTED}</a></span><!-- ENDIF --></div>
					<!-- ENDIF -->

						<div class="postbody">{postrow.MESSAGE}</div>

					<!-- IF postrow.S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS -->
						<br clear="all" /><br />

						<div class="attachwrapper"><div class="attachtitle">{L_ATTACHMENTS}:</div>
						<!-- BEGIN attachment -->
						<div class="attachcontent">{postrow.attachment.DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT}</div>
						<!-- END attachment -->
					<!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- IF postrow.S_DISPLAY_NOTICE -->
						<span class="gensmall error"><br /><br />{L_DOWNLOAD_NOTICE}</span>
					<!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.SIGNATURE -->
						<div class="postbody signature"><br /><span class="line">_________________</span><br />{postrow.SIGNATURE}</div>
					<!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- IF postrow.EDITED_MESSAGE or postrow.EDIT_REASON -->
						<!-- IF postrow.EDIT_REASON -->
							<br /><br />
							<div class="edited">
								<p class="gensmall">{postrow.EDITED_MESSAGE}</p>
								<p class="genmed">{postrow.EDIT_REASON}</p>
						<!-- ELSE -->
							<br /><br />
							<div class="edited">
    							<p class="gensmall">{postrow.EDITED_MESSAGE}</p>
						<!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- IF postrow.BUMPED_MESSAGE -->
						<span class="gensmall"><br /><br />{postrow.BUMPED_MESSAGE}</span>
					<!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- IF not postrow.S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS --><br clear="all" /><br /><!-- ENDIF -->

		<!-- IF postrow.S_ROW_COUNT is even --><tr class="row1"><!-- ELSE --><tr class="row2"><!-- ENDIF -->

			<td class="postbottom" align="center">{postrow.POST_DATE}</td>
			<td class="postbottom postbuttons" valign="middle">
				<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
					<div style="float: {S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}">
					<!-- IF postrow.U_REPORT --><a href="{postrow.U_REPORT}">{REPORT_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
					<!-- IF postrow.U_INFO --><a href="{postrow.U_INFO}">{INFO_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
					<!-- IF postrow.U_WARN --><a href="{postrow.U_WARN}">{WARN_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
					<!-- IF postrow.U_DELETE --><a href="{postrow.U_DELETE}">{DELETE_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF -->

				<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR --><a href="{postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR}">{PROFILE_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF postrow.U_PM --><a href="{postrow.U_PM}">{PM_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
				<!-- IF postrow.U_EMAIL --><a href="{postrow.U_EMAIL}">{EMAIL_IMG}</a><!-- INCLUDE condividi.html -->  <!-- ENDIF --> 
                <!-- IF postrow.U_MSN --><a href="{postrow.U_MSN}">{MSN_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
                <!-- IF postrow.U_ICQ --><a href="{postrow.U_ICQ}">{ICQ_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
                <!-- IF postrow.U_YIM --><a href="{postrow.U_YIM}">{YIM_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
                <!-- IF postrow.U_AIM --><a href="{postrow.U_AIM}">{AIM_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
                <!-- IF postrow.U_JABBER --><a href="{postrow.U_JABBER}">{JABBER_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --> 
				<!-- IF postrow.U_WWW --><a href="{postrow.U_WWW}">{WWW_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
    	<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- IF $CA_SPLIT_POSTS and not postrow.S_LAST_ROW -->
	<br />
	<!-- ELSEIF not $CA_SKIP_LAST_SPACER or not postrow.S_LAST_ROW -->

		<td class="spacer" colspan="2" height="1"><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1" /></td>
	<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- BEGINELSE -->
	<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="{$CA_SPACING}">
<!-- END postrow -->
<div align="center">
<!-- INCLUDE adsense.txt -->

    <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
		<td class="cat" colspan="2" align="center"><form name="viewtopic" method="post" action="{S_TOPIC_ACTION}"><span class="gensmall">{L_DISPLAY_POSTS}:</span> {S_SELECT_SORT_DAYS}&nbsp;<span class="gensmall">{L_SORT_BY}</span> {S_SELECT_SORT_KEY} {S_SELECT_SORT_DIR}&nbsp;<input class="btnlite" type="submit" value="{L_GO}" name="sort" /></form></td>
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<table width="100%" cellspacing="1">

		<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
			<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">

				<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_REPLY_INFO --><a href="{U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}">{REPLY_IMG}</a>&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF S_QUICK_REPLY --><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="var qr = document.getElementById('ca-qr'); = ( == 'none') ? '' : 'none'; return false;"><img src="{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}/quick_reply.gif" /></a><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF TOTAL_POSTS -->
			<td class="nav" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;{PAGE_NUMBER}<br /></td>
			<td class="gensmall" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;[ {TOTAL_POSTS} ]&nbsp;</td>
			<td class="gensmall" width="100%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap"><!-- INCLUDE pagination.html --></td>
		<!-- ENDIF -->


<!-- INCLUDE quickreply_editor.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<div id="pagefooter"></div>

<!-- INCLUDE breadcrumbs.html -->

	<br clear="all" />

	<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="{$CA_SPACING}">
		<td class="cat"><h4>{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</h4></td>
		<td class="row1"><p class="gensmall">{LOGGED_IN_USER_LIST}</p></td>
<!-- ENDIF -->

<br clear="all" />

<table width="100%" cellspacing="1">
	<td width="40%" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}"><!-- IF S_TOPIC_MOD --><form method="post" action="{S_MOD_ACTION}"><span class="gensmall">{L_QUICK_MOD}:</span> {S_TOPIC_MOD} <input class="btnlite" type="submit" value="{L_GO}" /></form><!-- ENDIF --></td>
	<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="gensmall"><!-- BEGIN rules -->{rules.RULE}<br /><!-- END rules --></span></td>

<br clear="all" />

<table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
	<td><!-- IF S_DISPLAY_SEARCHBOX --><!-- INCLUDE searchbox.html --><!-- ENDIF --></td>
	<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}"><!-- INCLUDE jumpbox.html --></td>

<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->
se lo inserisco in dopo begin postrow mi viene sempre prima del primo post ma addirittura con tre pubblicità insieme per verticale con il condice di centro altrimenti una accanto all'altra.

se lo inserisco dove ho inserito il codice condividi html dei tasti di condivisione (vedi codice sopra) mi viene dentro al post ripetuti per i due post seguenti.
Qualcuno può aiutarmi ad inserire una formula giusta che manca nel template dove fargli capire di mettere la pubblicità tra un post e l'altro grazie

Re: Inserire Ads in phpBB3

Inviato: 19/09/2012, 13:32
Salve. Vorrei insereire la pubblicità anche io ma in un modulo come quello che avete voi sotto "Pubblicità" o come nella barra di condivisione. Non so come fare a creare quella barra dove inserire il codice. Potete aiutarmi? Ciao e grazie!

Re: Inserire Ads in phpBB3

Inviato: 19/09/2012, 15:23
kIMERA ha scritto:Salve. Vorrei insereire la pubblicità anche io ma in un modulo come quello che avete voi sotto "Pubblicità" o come nella barra di condivisione. Non so come fare a creare quella barra dove inserire il codice. Potete aiutarmi? Ciao e grazie!
Problema risolto.

Re: Inserire Ads in phpBB3

Inviato: 07/03/2013, 23:03
da nasa24
ragazzi sul mio stile l'inserimento di ads dopo o prima il primo/ultimo post non funziona, ho cercato e pare ci sia un bot che inserisce in automatico i post con le pubblicita come se fosse un utente e sempre cercando è stato detto di cercare nelle guide cosa che non trovo, è possibile avere il link per apportare tale modifica?? grazie

Re: Inserire Ads in phpBB3

Inviato: 08/03/2013, 11:56
da Angolo
Non si deve inserire nessun bot, in quanto adsense è già iscritto. A meno che non ti riferisca ad altro circuito. Piuttosto, hai svuotato la cache del Forum e (e, non o) del browser?

Re: Inserire Ads in phpBB3

Inviato: 08/03/2013, 18:02
da nasa24
si ho svutotato tutto il possibile immagninabile ma non la fa vedere, ho provato anche ad inserire nel code invece che lo script di adsense una immagine richiamandola dal server ma nulla non la fa vedere quindi quel codice sul mio stile gli fa un baffo, se faccio in modo di visualizzarli prima del primo post allora me lo mette in tabella e la fa vedere ma sopo l'ultimo post proprio non c'è stato verso. io vorrei mettere l'ads come se fosse un post di un utente.... e ho letto nel forum che bisogna vedere nelle guide ma non è presente!!!


ecco dove ho letto la cosa....

Re: Inserire Ads in phpBB3

Inviato: 08/03/2013, 18:12
da Angolo
Se vuoi inserire il banner dopo primo messaggio, devi seguire quanto indicato nel primo messaggio di questo argomento. Se puoi vuoi fare altro, non è chiaro. Ribadisco che ordinariamente, non si deve iscrivere nessun bot.