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Purtroppo, causa motivi personali, non ho più modo di gestirlo e portarlo avanti. Il forum viene ora posto in uno stato di sola lettura, nonché un archivio storico per permettere a chiunque di fruire di tutte le discussioni trattate.

Il nuovo portale di assistenza per l'Italia di phpBB diventa, cui ringrazio per aver deciso di portare avanti questo grande progetto.

Grazie ancora,
Carlo - Amministratore di phpBB Italia

Installazione completa SEO Premod

La versione di phpBB pre-moddata con tutte le MODs targate phpBB SEO.
Messaggi: 18
Iscritto il: 20/02/2014, 10:10
Sesso: Maschio
Versione: 3.0.12
Server: UNIX/Linux

Installazione completa SEO Premod

Messaggio da clavero » 08/10/2014, 20:13

Buonasera, credevo che installando la seo premod tutto finiva li, e invece.... :o

esempio oggi ho scoperto che non avevo installato gym sitemaps, così ho cliccato sul relativo file php e l'ho installata.

Ora volevo sapere se oltre a gym sitemaps devo installare altre cose di cui non mi sono accorto, dando per scontato che erano state già installate avendo messo la premod (esempio phpBB SEO No Duplicate, phpBB SEO Zero Duplicate , phpBB SEO Optimal titles, phpBB SEO Dynamic Meta tags, phpBB SEO URL )

Io praticamente ho solo installato la premod e gym sitemaps, basta :geek:

questa è un'immagine del mio pca, così si capisce meglio itutto quello che mi compare:


Posso sapere cosa devo fare ancora per completare il tutto? :-)

Grazie per l'aiuto

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Messaggi: 1106
Iscritto il: 04/02/2013, 21:53
Sesso: Maschio
Versione: 3.0.12
Server: UNIX/Linux

Re: Installazione completa SEO Premod

Messaggio da Anto » 08/10/2014, 20:16

Utilizzando il pacchetto SEO Premod tutte le mod che hai elencato sono già applicate.

Credo che hai completato tutto e non manchi più nulla. Come conferma di quello che dico puoi dare una lettura al file di installazione che trovi dentro il pacchetto phpBB SEO Premod.
Infine configurazione in relazione alle proprie esigenze.

Messaggi: 18
Iscritto il: 20/02/2014, 10:10
Sesso: Maschio
Versione: 3.0.12
Server: UNIX/Linux

Re: Installazione completa SEO Premod

Messaggio da clavero » 08/10/2014, 21:41


stavo vedendo che nella cartella phpbb_seo c'è un altro file d'installazione:


che io non ho cliccato, bisogna farlo o è già tutto ok?

ps*se cambio qualche configurazione in phpseo, c'è bisogno di rigenerare il file .htaccess ogni volta?
ps2* per l'errore 404 come bisogna procedere per far comparire una pagina vuota con la scritta di errore?

grazie ancora

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Messaggi: 1106
Iscritto il: 04/02/2013, 21:53
Sesso: Maschio
Versione: 3.0.12
Server: UNIX/Linux

Re: Installazione completa SEO Premod

Messaggio da Anto » 08/10/2014, 22:03


Update 3.0.11 => 3.0.12 :
First, go to
where you'll be able to download the update packages
You can update using two method :
1) Auto updating : "3.0.11 to 3.0.12 Auto update"
- Upload the auto_update/install/*.* folder of the update package to install/*.*
- Go to ACP => SYSTEM and follow instructions.
The auto update method will take the eventual code change you have made into account,
and will attempt to merge the new files with your online modified ones.
It's the safest method for most, the installer will tel you if it has trouble to update some files.
2) Manual updating : "3.0.11 to 3.0.12 Changed Files"
You'll find the modified file list in the modified/ folder of the update package.
- Upload / merge / overwrite all file,
- Upload the modified/install/*.* to install/*.*,
- Run to update the DB.

This update will not change any of your current URL settings and will not change anything in the phpBB SEO mods.

The phpbb_seo_class.php file does not hold static part and delimiters customisation any more, these are now set in the phpbb_seo/includes/setup_phpbb_seo.php. If you customized your default delimiters, static part etc, you will have to set them up in that file. Please read what's said bellow for more details about how to do it.

We have included the mod GYM Sitemap & RSS, but we kept the install separated.
See bellow to install.

To update GYM from all 2.0.x (phpBB3) versions you will have to upload all files in the root/ directory of the archive to your phpBB/ ftp directory, after you will have taken care manually of the eventual code change you would have implemented in the template files (directory phpBB/styles/, .html, .js and .xsl) added by the module.
Once done, just lunch the update script (
Your settings will be kept during the update process.

GYM sitemaps and RSS is likely to be updated before the premod, it will be up to you to
keep it up to date meanwhile, you can be notified about updates by subscribing to the release thread while logged in : ... t2734.html

Before you start, read this with caution.
=> For a smooth install :
1) Upload all files from the root/ directory of the package to where you would like to see phpBB installed
(phpBB/ or in domain's root) and lunch (or in your browser;
2) Follow the installation / conversion / upgrade steps;
3) Go to phpBB ACP : It's now time to play with settings described bellow;
4) Generate your personalized .htaccess and upload or move it following the instructions;
5) Test a rewritten URL, such as, if you end up with a 404 (not a phpBB message),
go back to step 5;
6) Activate URL rewriting in phpBB ACP and allow yourself some auto-congratulation :D
7) Activating the Zero duplicate is wise at this point.
We advise to set the post redirection option to at least "Guest" unless you know what you are doing.

Settings :

The settings must be done before step 4 above for the generated .htaccess to be up to date.
Later modification will most likely require a new .htaccess as well as personalized redirections.

A new option was added staring from v0.6.0 : SQL rewriting.

This option will allow you to choose url for each topic. You will be able to accurately set topic url when posting new
topic or when editing an existing one. This functionality is though limited to forum admins and moderators.
Turning on this option will not change topic urls. Existing urls will be stored as they are displayed in the data
But it may not be the case if you turn it off after you started to use it. In such case, personalized URLs may be
treated as if they weren't.
The feature also has the great advantage to fasten the url rewriting by a lot, especially when using the virtual folder
option in advanced mode, and to make it a lot easier to retrieve rewritten urls from any page.

If you start using this option after you updated from prior to 3.0.5, or if you are installing the premod over a
pre-existing phpBB install, you should run the phpbb_seo/sync_url.php script to update the data base (with topic urls).
Doing this will not change your URLs. If you do not run the script, topic urls will be updated in the data base each time
topics will be first visited.

=> By Default, this mod will get rid of index.php for phpBB's index.

You can change this in phpbb_seo/includes/setup_phpbb_seo.php if you prefer.
To do this, you can for example add :

$this->seo_static['index'] = 'forum';

before :

// Let's make sure that settings are consistent

This is mostly useful if you're running a portal in the folder where phpBB is installed.

=> The first setting to do is to select which static part to use in your URLs.

To do so, you can override default values in phpbb_seo/includes/setup_phpbb_seo.php, still before :

// Let's make sure that settings are consistent


// => the-team :
$this->seo_static['leaders'] = 'my-team'; // instead of the default "the-team"

// => announces :
$this->seo_static['global_announce'] = 'announcements'; // instead of the default "announces"

// => Active topics :
$this->seo_static['atopic'] = 'important-topics'; // instead of the default "active-topics"

// => Unaswered :
$this->seo_static['utopic'] = 'not-answered'; // instead of the default "unanswered"

// => Newposts :
$this->seo_static['npost'] = 'new-messages'; // instead of the default "newposts"

=> As well as for (and the same way) :
forum ($this->seo_static['forum']), topic ($this->seo_static['topic']), post ($this->seo_static['post']), member ($this->seo_static['member']), groups ($this->seo_static['group']), attachments virtual directory ($this->seo_static['file_index'], read the comments in the file for more attachments customizing) and virtual folder pagination ($this->seo_static['page'])


=> And the suffixes too, if you do not like .html, using the phpbb_seo::seo_ext array ($this->seo_ext) still before :

// Let's make sure that settings are consistent

$this->seo_ext['forum'] = '.htm';
$this->seo_ext['topic'] = '/';

Suffixes may not be ".php" or empty, if you set a suffix to "/", it will automatically activate the pagexx.html pagination.

Once set, these settings will be taken into account while generating the .htaccess.


=> Other options are configurable on the setting page (step 7 of the above list).
Go to the "phpBB SEO Class Settings" page, and take your time to set up the class as you wish.

=> It is now time to play with your forum URLs.
To do so, go to the "Forum URL management" page and start selecting good keywords for your forum URLs.
Take your time to do it, and remember that using the remove IDs option in the settings makes it a bit harder to build appropriate redirection, in case you edit the forum URLs later.
If you later create more forums, you'll just have to go to this page again an eventually update the
new forum URL.
If not, the new forum URL will not be cached and the default one will be used (forum-title-fxx).

Custom replacement for title injection : ... t4709.html

The phpbb_seo class handles de-accentuation for most of the occidental characters, but you could need to handle more cases for your project.
Starting from v0.6.0, we introduced a simple way to set up custom replacements.
This is useful for special characters not properly handled by default, such as Russian ones (Г => G), or to implement custom replacements such as $ => dollar.
It works with any string, but you MUST perform the edits with an UTF-8 (without BOM) capable text editor.
This is still done in phpbb_seo/includes/setup_phpbb_seo.php, and still before :

// Let's make sure that settings are consistent

The principle is simple, you can set up your custom replacement by filling the phpbb_seo::url_replace array ($this->url_replace).
The pattern to use is :

$this->url_replace = array(
'character(s) to find' => 'replacement to apply',


$this->url_replace = array(
// Purely cosmetic replace
'$' => 'dollar', '€' => 'euro',
"'s" => 's', // it's => its / mary's => marys ...
// Language specific replace (German example)
'ß' => 'ss',
'Ä' => 'Ae', 'ä' => 'ae',
'Ö' => 'Oe', 'ö' => 'oe',
'Ü' => 'Ue', 'ü' => 'ue',

Just make sure that the characters you may add are not already handled properly but the default replacements before you add some more.
Please note that English characters are already properly handled.

NOTE: Cache

The cache files are in the phpbb_seo/cache/ folder.
phpbb_cache.php is the cached file containing both your settings and forum URLs.

The mod always creates a backups of the current cached file :
=> phpbb_cache.php.current is a copy of the phpbb_cache.php file.
It will automatically be used in case phpbb_cache.php is deleted or corrupted (which should not occur but).
=> phpbb_cache.php.old is a copy of the previous settings you had set, before the last update you performed.

You should backup these file when you update them, they are as crucial as you data base for your forum
since they are required for your forum URL to work properly.
So relax, this is just a basic precaution, you should not have trouble with these,
but never is better, hence the backup.

NOTE: .htaccess :

On the phpBB SEO ACP module, go to the ".htaccess" page.
A personalised .htaccess will be generated. It's the first one to consider trying.
You will have too put it where the red bold messages of the .htaccess generator tells you to (and NOT anywhere else).
If you cannot find the location mentioned, it means that you did not properly set your phpBB server settings in the ACP.
If the default suggestion does not work, you will be to try more options, and generate several alternative.
You'll find an empty .htaccess file in this mod's archive contrib/ folder, you can use it to paste the .htaccess content generated on the htaccess page or save it directly on the server (saved .htaccess will be found in the phpbb/cache/ directory).

The .htaccess generator will add the required rewriterules to make your domain canonical, but they will be
left commented (un-active) at first, as this is the kind of thing that require human attention.
Please take a look at : ... s-t30.html
to find out how to lock the use (or non use) of the www prefix in your domain's url.
This is a major Search Engine Optimisation issue to take care of the www prefix issue.

NOTE: robots.txt :

You will find a sample robots.txt file in the contrib/ folder of this package.
The robots.txt file must be uploaded in your domain's root folder (can be different from the phpBB one).
You must obviously replace phpbb/ with your real phpBB installation folder (or with nothing if it's installed in the domain's root).

If your forum previously was indexed with the natural urls (viewtopic.php etc...), then you must make sure
that the robots.txt advised for our mod rewrite is not installed, if so DELETE it from the server.
This because we want to redirect old urls before we disallow them, it's CRUCIAL!
In such case, wait at least two month after you activated the zero duplicate before you can safely implement the robots.txt.

NOTE: profile and user messages pages ID removing:

phpBB/member/nicknames VS phpBB/nicknames-uxx.html

If you use profile and / or user messages pages ID removing, you should know that a custom urlencode
will be used to circumvent a bug with mod_rewrite.
This imply that some chars like "&", "/", "#" and spaces will always be double encoded.
For example a user named rock&roll will require rock%2526roll (double urlencoded &) to be usable.
( => )

There are other issues with custom characters, like accents, which will add some urlencoded chars in urls.
It's not an SEO issue, since bots knows how to deal with urlencoding, but it can end up building pretty long url with multi byte characters.
This does not concern the a-zA-Z0-9 chars, underscore ("_"), hyphen ("-") and dot (".") included.

This of course means that the ID removing on profile and user messages pages is more comfy and universally efficient
to use with alphanumeric chars user names (without accents).

If you only allow alphanumeric chars for your user nicknames, then you can make the injection process faster by adding :

return $url;

right after :

function seo_url_encode( $url ) {

Remember that keeping the ID here will always work and that you still can simulate a folder structure for user messages pages.

NOTE: GYM Sitemaps & RSS :

The GYM sitemap & RSS module is now included in the phpBB SEO premod.
This module will create United Sitemaps (Aka Google sitemaps), RSS 2.0 feeds, site maps and news pages for for phpBB3.
It fully supports Gun-zip cache for all types of outputs and some XSL-Transform styling for Sitemaps and RSS feeds.
Please visit the release thread for updates and further information : ... t2734.html


The install left separated from the regular install, so it's up to you to use it or not.
GYM sitemaps and RSS is likely to be updated before the premod, it will be up to you to
keep it up to date meanwhile, you can be notified about updates by subscribing to the release thread while logged at : ... t2734.html


If phpbb is installed in a sub folder and you run other pages at the root level,
you can take advantage of this system's modularity to include all of your site's sitemaps in this same sitemapindex.

You'll have to put the sitemap.php file at the domain's root level, since no link from above
the sitemap files folder are taken into consideration by Search Engines.
To do this, you only need to open sitemap.php, and look for :

$phpbb_root_path = './';

and change it to :

$phpbb_root_path = './phpbb/';

Obviously replacing phpbb/ with the real folder name where phpBB would be installed.
Then you would need to go ACP and update the "Google Sitemaps URL" parameter, in the Google sitemaps main panel, to match your
domain's root location instead of the phpBB url : "" instead of ""
Links to the forum will of course stay valid.
You can do the same with gymrss.php and map.php if you wish.

Please note :

If you run phpBB in a sub directory ( and installed the sitemap (and / or gymrss.php) file at the root level
( following the instructions above, you will need to change paths in the sitemap (and / or gymrss.php)
rewriterules accordingly.
And if your phpBB's .htaccess was in the phpBB/ directory, to move them to the domain's root .htaccess.

===> To Install <===

=> Connect yourself as admin and go to to install

!!!!! The SQL involved in the install script where tested for all mysql versions, but unfortunately
not with the other possible DBAL (oracle, sqlite, postgresql etc ...),
chances are great that it will work though !!!!!

GYM sitemaps & RSS should work with all DBAL supported by phpBB.

======> The ONLY url to submit for all your sitemaps is ""
======> or "" with URL rewriting.
======> You should make sure that the url is valid before you submit, just load the url in your browser to see the mod in action.

===> To uninstall <===

1) Connect yourself as admin and go to to un-install

2) remove all files and code changes added

NOTE : .htaccess

If the GYM Sitemaps & RSS module is installed, the .htaccess generator will automatically generate the required rewriterules
for GYM sitemaps & RSS. Just generate a new .htaccess once you have installed the module and implement it.
Hai seguito passo passo le istruzioni di installazione ?

L'installazione di phpBB SEO premod è identica a quella di phpBB3 standard.

Messaggi: 18
Iscritto il: 20/02/2014, 10:10
Sesso: Maschio
Versione: 3.0.12
Server: UNIX/Linux

Re: Installazione completa SEO Premod

Messaggio da clavero » 08/10/2014, 23:28

è la prima volta che vedo questo file, ho seguito quanto letto sul forum per fare tutto

ora anche leggendo questo non ho ben capito se devo cliccare su questo file arrivato a questo punto


mi è venuto solo questo dubbio, vedendo appunto un'install


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Messaggi: 1106
Iscritto il: 04/02/2013, 21:53
Sesso: Maschio
Versione: 3.0.12
Server: UNIX/Linux

Re: Installazione completa SEO Premod

Messaggio da Anto » 08/10/2014, 23:49

Tra i passi non viene indicato che tu debba eseguirlo.
Devi generare un nuovo htaccess ogni qualvolta modifichi la configurazione e caricarlo nella posizione corretta per far scomparire l' errore 404.

Visita per installare il modulo GYM Sitemaps & RSS.

Nel file trovi impostazioni, esempi, note, cache, .htaccess e robots.txt.

Messaggi: 18
Iscritto il: 20/02/2014, 10:10
Sesso: Maschio
Versione: 3.0.12
Server: UNIX/Linux

Re: Installazione completa SEO Premod

Messaggio da clavero » 09/10/2014, 16:30


gym sitemaps già l'avevo installato, anche se ho lasciato tutte le impostazioni predefinite. Avevo provato a mettere l'url rewriting (mi dava errore cliccando su news, sitemaps e feed rss perchè compariva la cartella virtuale) ma poi l'ho tolto.

è meglio lasciare tutto predefinito o bisogna fare delle modifiche?

grazie ancora per l'aiuto

Avatar utente
Messaggi: 1106
Iscritto il: 04/02/2013, 21:53
Sesso: Maschio
Versione: 3.0.12
Server: UNIX/Linux

Re: Installazione completa SEO Premod

Messaggio da Anto » 09/10/2014, 19:46

Configura in base alle tue esigenze. In genere le impostazioni predefinite sono idonee per i casi più generici.


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