Descrizione MOD: Crea una tabella nella Home con tre liste diverse: i 10 Topics più recenti (data, Titolo, Autore), i 10 Topics più visti (Visite, Titolo, Autore) ed i 10 ultimi Posts (risposte) (Titolo, Autore).
Demo: (fondo pagina)
- 23/01/2010 - Iniziato sviluppo della MOD a due colonne (più recenti e più visti).
- 25/01/2010 - Modifica della Mod con inserimento di una terza lista (Topics con maggiori repliche)
- 11/12/2010 - Revisione della Mod: creato un file mod_topten.php che contiene 4 query relative a "Ultimi Topics, Topics più visti, Topics con maggiori risposte e Ultimi Posts (ultime risposte)".
Di queste 4 possibilità se ne possono scegliere 3 (per ragioni di spazio).
Il codice non viene più inserito nel file index.php ma viene inserito tramite un "include", questo semplifica le cose lasciando quasi inalteraro il file index.php originale.
La stessa cosa avviene con il template, attraverso un file esterno che viene "incluso" in insex_body.html.
Versioni phpBB compatibili: 3.0.x
1) creare un file mod_topten_topics.php
2) inserire "include" nel file index.php
3) creare template mod_toptent_topics_body.html
4) inserire "include" nel file styles/prosilver/template/index_body.html
1) Creare il file mod_topten_topics.php
Il file va inserito nella root del forum, questo il contenuto:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
// MOD Topten Topics ver. 1.0.2
// Topics più recenti, Topics più visti, Topics con maggiori risposte e Posts più recenti
// created by Micogian 2010
// configurazione: numero dei recods da visualizzare nella Lista
$lista = 10 ; // sostituire il numero della variabile $lista se si desidera diminuire/aumentare il numero dei Topics
$lista_dati = 20 ; // numero di topics da estrarre dalla tabella (alcuni topics potrebbero non aver il permesso di lettura)
$lista_posts = 50 ; // numero di posts da estrarre dalla tabella (il numero è più alto perchè viene inserito un solo post per topic)
function mese_cor($data_cor)
$data_short = str_replace("Jan","gen", $data_cor);
$data_short = str_replace("Feb","feb", $data_cor);
$data_short = str_replace("Mar","mar", $data_cor);
$data_short = str_replace("Apr","apr", $data_cor);
$data_short = str_replace("Mag","mag", $data_cor);
$data_short = str_replace("Jun","giu", $data_cor);
$data_short = str_replace("Jul","lug", $data_cor);
$data_short = str_replace("Aug","ago", $data_cor);
$data_short = str_replace("sep","set", $data_cor);
$data_short = str_replace("Oct","ott", $data_cor);
$data_short = str_replace("Nov","nov", $data_cor);
$data_short = str_replace('Dec','dic', $data_cor);
return $data_short;
//---------- 10 Topics più Recenti start -----------//
$sql1 = "SELECT tt.topic_id, tt.forum_id, tt.topic_title, tt.topic_time, tt.topic_moved_id, tt.topic_first_poster_name,
ft.forum_id, ft.forum_name
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " tt, " . FORUMS_TABLE . " ft
WHERE tt.topic_type = 0
AND tt.topic_moved_id = 0
AND tt.forum_id = ft.forum_id
ORDER BY tt.topic_time DESC LIMIT 0,$lista_dati";
$result1 = $db->sql_query($sql1);
$n1 = 0;
while ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1))
if ($auth->acl_get('f_read', $row1['forum_id']) == 1)
if ($n1 < $lista)
if (strlen($row1['topic_title']) > 28)
$topic_title1 = substr($row1['topic_title'],0,27) . "...";
$topic_title1 = $row1['topic_title'];
$last_topic_link[$n1] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=" . $row1['forum_id'] . "&t=" . $row1['topic_id']);
$last_topic_title[$n1] = $row1['topic_title'];
$last_topic_title_short[$n1] = $topic_title1;
$last_topic_forum[$n1] = $row1['forum_name'];
$last_topic_author[$n1] = $row1['topic_first_poster_name'];
$last_topic_data[$n1] = date("d M",$row1['topic_time']);
++$n1 ;
//---------- 10 Topics più Recenti end -----------//
//---------- 10 Topics più Visti start -----------//
$sql2 = "SELECT tt.topic_id, tt.forum_id, tt.topic_title, tt.topic_first_poster_name, tt.topic_views,
ft.forum_id, ft.forum_name
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " tt, " . FORUMS_TABLE . " ft
WHERE tt.forum_id = ft.forum_id
ORDER BY tt.topic_views DESC LIMIT 0,$lista_dati";
$result2 = $db->sql_query($sql2);
$n2 = 0 ;
while ($row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2))
if ($auth->acl_get('f_read', $row2['forum_id']) == 1)
if ($n2 < $lista)
if (strlen($row2['topic_title']) > 28)
$topic_title2 = substr($row2['topic_title'],0,27) . "...";
$topic_title2 = $row2['topic_title'];
$view_topic_link[$n2] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=" . $row2['forum_id'] . "&t=" . $row2['topic_id']);
$view_topic_title[$n2] = $row2['topic_title'];
$view_topic_title_short[$n2] = $topic_title2;
$view_topic_forum[$n2] = $row2['forum_name'];
$view_topic_author[$n2] = $row2['topic_first_poster_name'];
$view_topic_views[$n2] = $row2['topic_views'];
++$n2 ;
//---------- 10 Topics più visti end -----------//
//---------- 10 Topics con più risposte start -----------//
$sql3 = "SELECT tt.topic_id, tt.forum_id, tt.topic_title, tt.topic_first_poster_name, tt.topic_replies,
ft.forum_id, ft.forum_name
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " tt, " . FORUM_TABLE . " ft
ORDER BY tt.topic_replies DESC LIMIT 0,$lista_dati";
$result3 = $db->sql_query($sql3);
$n3 = 0 ;
while ($row3 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3))
if ($auth->acl_get('f_read', $row2['forum_id']) == 1)
if ($n3 < $lista)
if (strlen($row3['topic_title']) > 28)
$topic_title3 = substr($row3['topic_title'],0,27) . "...";
$topic_title3 = $row3['topic_title'];
$replies_topic_link[$n3] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=" . $row3['forum_id'] . "&t=" . $row3['topic_id']);
$replies_topic_title[$n3] = $row3['topic_title'];
$replies_topic_title_short[$n3] = $topic_title3;
$replies_topic_forum[$n3] = $row3['forum_name'];
$replies_topic_author[$n3] = $row3['topic_first_poster_name'];
$replies_topic_replies[$n3] = $row3['topic_replies'];
++$n3 ;
//---------- 10 Topics con più risposte end -----------//
//---------- 10 Ultimi posts start -----------//
$sql4 = "SELECT pt.post_id, pt.topic_id, pt.forum_id, pt.post_subject, pt.post_time, pt.poster_id,
tt.topic_id, tt.topic_title,
ut.user_id, ut.username,
ft.forum_id, ft.forum_name
FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . " pt, " . TOPICS_TABLE . " tt, " . FORUMS_TABLE . " ft, " . USERS_TABLE . " ut
WHERE pt.poster_id = ut.user_id
AND pt.forum_id = ft.forum_id
AND tt.topic_id = pt.topic_id
ORDER BY pt.post_time DESC LIMIT 0,$lista_posts";
$result4 = $db->sql_query($sql4);
$n4 = 0 ;
$lista_topics = '' ;
while ($row4 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result4))
if ($auth->acl_get('f_read', $row4['forum_id']) == 1)
if( strpos($lista_topics, $row4['topic_id']) == '0' AND $n4 < $lista )
if (strlen($row4['topic_title']) > 28)
$post_title = substr($row4['topic_title'],0,27) . "...";
$post_title = $row4['topic_title'];
$last_post_link[$n4] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=" . $row4['forum_id'] . "&t=" . $row4['topic_id'] . "#p" . $row4['post_id']);
$last_post_title[$n4] = $row4['topic_title'];
$last_post_title_short[$n4] = $post_title;
$last_post_forum[$n4] = $row4['forum_name'];
$last_post_author[$n4] = $row4['username'];
$lista_topics .= "," . $row4['topic_id'] ;
++$n4 ;
//---------- 10 Ultimi posts end -----------//
for ($x = 0; $x < $lista; ++$x)
'LAST_TOPIC_LINK' => $last_topic_link[$x],
'LAST_TOPIC_TITLE' => $last_topic_title[$x],
'LAST_TOPIC_TITLE_SHORT' => $last_topic_title_short[$x],
'LAST_TOPIC_FORUM' => $last_topic_forum[$x],
'LAST_TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $last_topic_author[$x],
'LAST_TOPIC_DATA' => mese_cor($last_topic_data[$x]),
'VIEW_TOPIC_LINK' => $view_topic_link[$x],
'VIEW_TOPIC_TITLE' => $view_topic_title[$x],
'VIEW_TOPIC_TITLE_SHORT' => $view_topic_title_short[$x],
'VIEW_TOPIC_FORUM' => $view_topic_forum[$x],
'VIEW_TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $view_topic_author[$x],
'VIEW_TOPIC_VIEWS' => $view_topic_views[$x],
//'REPLIES_TOPIC_LINK' => $replies_topic_link[$x],
//'REPLIES_TOPIC_TITLE' => $replies_topic_title[$x],
//'REPLIES_TOPIC_TITLE_SHORT' => $replies_topic_title_short[$x],
//'REPLIES_TOPIC_FORUM' => $replies_topic_forum[$x],
//'REPLIES_TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $replies_topic_author[$x],
//'REPLIES_TOPIC_REPLIES' => $replies_topic_replies[x],
'LAST_POST_LINK' => $last_post_link[$x],
'LAST_POST_TITLE' => $last_post_title[$x],
'LAST_POST_TITLE_SHORT' => $last_post_title_short[$x],
'LAST_POST_FORUM' => $last_post_forum[$x],
'LAST_POST_AUTHOR' => $last_post_author[$x],
Codice: Seleziona tutto
// Output page
Codice: Seleziona tutto
include($phpbb_root_path . 'mod_topten_topics.' . $phpEx);
Il file va inserito in styles/prosilver/template/ questo il contenuto:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
<!-- Mod topten_topics ver 1.0.2 by Micogian start -->
<div class="forabg">
<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
<ul class="topiclist">
<li class="header">
<dl class="icon">
<dd style="width: 34%"> Ultimi Topics</dd>
<dd style="width: 33%"> Topics più visti</dd>
<dd> Ultimi Posts</dd>
<ul class="topiclist forums" >
<!-- BEGIN topten_list -->
<dd style="width: 34%; padding: 1px">{topten_list.LAST_TOPIC_DATA} <a style="font-weight: bold" href="{topten_list.LAST_TOPIC_LINK}" title="{topten_list.LAST_TOPIC_TITLE} (in: {topten_list.LAST_TOPIC_FORUM})">{topten_list.LAST_TOPIC_TITLE_SHORT}</a> <span style="color: #708090">(di {topten_list.LAST_TOPIC_AUTHOR})</span></dd>
<dd style="width: 33%; padding: 1px">{topten_list.VIEW_TOPIC_VIEWS} <a style="font-weight: bold" href="{topten_list.VIEW_TOPIC_LINK}" title="{topten_list.VIEW_TOPIC_TITLE} (in: {topten_list.VIEW_TOPIC_FORUM})">{topten_list.VIEW_TOPIC_TITLE_SHORT}</a> <span style="color: #708090">(di {topten_list.VIEW_TOPIC_AUTHOR})</span></dd>
<dd style="padding: 1px"><a style=" font-weight: bold" href="{topten_list.LAST_POST_LINK}" title="{topten_list.LAST_POST_TITLE} (in: {topten_list.LAST_POST_FORUM})">{topten_list.LAST_POST_TITLE_SHORT}</a> <span style="color: #708090">(di {topten_list.LAST_POST_AUTHOR})</span></dd>
<!-- END topten_list -->
<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
<!-- Mod topten_topics ver 1.0.2 by Micogian end -->
Il file va inserito in styles/subsilver2/template/ questo il contenuto:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
<!-- Mod topten_topics ver 1.0.2 by Micogian start -->
<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="1">
<th style="width: 34%">Ultimi topics</th>
<th style="width: 33%">Topics più visti</th>
<th>Ultimi posts</th>
<!-- BEGIN topten_list -->
<tr class= "row1">
<td width="34%">{topten_list.LAST_TOPIC_DATA} <a style="font-weight: bold" href="{topten_list.LAST_TOPIC_LINK}" title="{topten_list.LAST_TOPIC_TITLE} (in: {topten_list.LAST_TOPIC_FORUM})">{topten_list.LAST_TOPIC_TITLE_SHORT}</a> <span style="color: #708090">(di {topten_list.LAST_TOPIC_AUTHOR})</span></td>
<td width="33%">{topten_list.VIEW_TOPIC_VIEWS} <a style="font-weight: bold" href="{topten_list.VIEW_TOPIC_LINK}" title="{topten_list.VIEW_TOPIC_TITLE} (in: {topten_list.VIEW_TOPIC_FORUM})">{topten_list.VIEW_TOPIC_TITLE_SHORT}</a> <span style="color: #708090">(di {topten_list.VIEW_TOPIC_AUTHOR})</span></td>
<td><a style=" font-weight: bold" href="{topten_list.LAST_POST_LINK}" title="{topten_list.LAST_POST_TITLE} (in: {topten_list.LAST_POST_FORUM})">{topten_list.LAST_POST_TITLE_SHORT}</a> <span style="color: #708090">(di {topten_list.LAST_POST_AUTHOR})</span></td>
<!-- END topten_list -->
<br />
<br clear="all" />
<!-- Mod topten_topics ver 1.0.2 by Micogian end -->
APRI: index_body.html
Codice: Seleziona tutto
<!-- INCLUDE forumlist_body.html -->
Codice: Seleziona tutto
<!-- INCLUDE mod_topten_topics_body.html -->
Modifica effettuata il 12/12/2010