phpBB Italia chiude!
phpBB Italia ringrazia tutti gli utenti che hanno dato fiducia al nostro progetto per ben 9 anni, e che, grazie al grande lavoro fatto da tutto lo Staff (rigorosamente a titolo gratuito), hanno portato il portale a diventare il principale punto di riferimento italiano alla piattaforma phpBB.

Purtroppo, causa motivi personali, non ho più modo di gestirlo e portarlo avanti. Il forum viene ora posto in uno stato di sola lettura, nonché un archivio storico per permettere a chiunque di fruire di tutte le discussioni trattate.

Il nuovo portale di assistenza per l'Italia di phpBB diventa, cui ringrazio per aver deciso di portare avanti questo grande progetto.

Grazie ancora,
Carlo - Amministratore di phpBB Italia

[RELEASED] Safe GamerTag

Sezione in cui vengono spostati argomenti di MOD in sviluppo oramai rilasciate.
phpBB Expert
phpBB Expert
Messaggi: 39
Iscritto il: 04/11/2011, 16:45
Sesso: Maschio
Versione: 3.0.11
Server: UNIX/Linux
PHP: 5
Database: mysql 5

[RELEASED] Safe GamerTag

Messaggio da Soshen » 30/03/2012, 11:25

Modification Description:
With this mod all forum's users can add in - user control panel / profile / Edit GamerTag - their gamername / gamercard with the relative image / card.
This script do no load your server or your bandwidth cose the card images will be loaded only when someone put the mouse arrow on the respective text link.

Platforms supported:
XboX Live
PSN (us / eu)
Origin (only text)

You can select the platform active in your site and / or filter them for each forum.
Eg. you can allow all gamertags but manage each forum choosing which show on it.
In a XboX Forum you can diplay only xbox gamercards if you want.

Now you can choose to check if a XboX Live or PSN gamertag exist for real. This is uselful for the XboX Live / PSN leaderboard addon.

Modification Version: 2.3.2
Requirements: PHP >= 4

2.3.2 Addon:
  • Added the advace gamercard check
  • Added the forum filtering for gamercard display
2.3.1 Addon:
  • Added Origin ID gamertag
  • Added ACP Safe GamerTag config page where you can active/deactive platforms.
  • Added the base for COOP, XboX Live Leaderboard and PSN Leaderboard addon
  • Added some xhml fixs for prosilver
2.3.0 Addon:
  • Added gamertags field in registration page
  • Added ACP gamertags editing page
  • Added gamertags in users profile page too
  • Added some fixs
2.2.0 Addon:
  • Now the temp gamertag entries are displayed when the form detect a error too
  • Fixed some languages definition
2.1.0 Addon:
  • Fixed the XboX Live Gamertag - no more mygamercard
  • Added subsilver2 template
  • Varius fixs in regex.
2.0.0 Addon:
  • Change the system of visualization. Full compatibility with phpbb cache. High speed loading for viewtopic
  • Added the Xfire gamertag.
  • Change the gt system for Steam and Wii, work with winnertag too.
  • Added style of gt for XboX Live
  • Xbox Live GT language change following the user languages
  • New menu in UCP / Profile, named Edit GamerTag
  • Preview of GT in Edit GamerTag page
  • Work with phpBB 3.0.8

1.2.0 Addon:
  • Fix some problems
  • Adeed the GT entries check system
1.1.0 Addon:
  • Added support to US PSN
  • Added Steam GamerTag
  • Fixed permession entries
  • Work with XboX Live, PSN, Wii, Steam, Xfire gamer card
  • Safe system: do not load your server or the bandwidth.
  • Come with English base installer and Italian language addon in contrib folder.
  • Easy installing, less than a minute
  • Work fine with automod. Needs UMIL.

Demo URL:
Demo Username:
Just navigate the form like a guest for see how it works or create a user for test.

VIDEO: youtube video from installer via automod to usage:

If you want update from 2.2/2.2.1 with automod just overwirte the files in your safegt directory in store/mods with the new version. Then in acp automod click in details near my mod name and just install the update: Update from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0.
If you do it manually follow the instruction in same file xls in contrib directory.

Cerco aiuto per ottimizzazione di template html5 e xhtml.
se vi interessa contattatemi via pm. XD


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